Technical Advisor (Upstream Oil & Gas Exploration)

  • Contract
  • Full Time
  • Jakarta

Spencer Ogden

As the Technical Advisor of the company, the scope of work and responsibility includes:

  • Support Company Exploration & Production (E&P) Business in Indonesia
  • Check and getting relevant information for operations in Indonesia
  • Liaise with reputable expert in the COMPANY business
  • Promote COMPANY’s Operational capabilities, technical capabilities, strategic goals in Indonesia
  • Monitor competition level of the blocks that COMPANY will select (interested operators, how other operators make alliances, etc.)
  • To find partnering or new ventures opportunities
  • Advise how to win the bid  (bid terms such as work commitments, exploration programs)
  • Other request from COMPANY and any other business in relation to above matters
  • To provide market intelligence & networking which might be connected to inner-circle information.
  • To suggest COMPANY on business strategies in Indonesia which includes, but not limited to, Farm-in opportunities and any other upstream & green business opportunities.
  • Bi-weekly technical session which includes explanation for prospects of pre-selected blocks (blocks will be suggested based on discussion)
  • Reviewing and advising COMPANY technical analysis work and checking Indonesian regulations, rules, policies and any applicable guidelines from the authorities and suggesting business decision
  • **At least 20 years experience in the relevant field is required

To apply for this job please visit