IT Technician

Exxon Mobil


About us


At ExxonMobil, our vision is to lead in energy innovations that advance modern living and a net-zero future. As one of the world’s largest publicly traded energy and chemical companies, we are powered by a unique and diverse workforce fueled by the pride in what we do and what we stand for.


The success of our Upstream, Product Solutions and Low Carbon Solutions businesses is the result of the talent, curiosity and drive of our people. They bring solutions every day to optimize our strategy in energy, chemicals, lubricants and lower-emissions technologies. 


We invite you to bring your ideas to ExxonMobil to help create sustainable solutions that improve quality of life and meet society’s evolving needs. Learn more about our What and our Why and how we can work together.


Come be part of the Upstream Department of ExxonMobil Canada Energy. Our offices are located on the East Coast of Canada in St. John’s, Newfoundland with a workforce of nearly 250 people and two world class offshore production assets.

What role you will play in our team

Provide local support and coordination of IT activities on Platform in order to ensure a fully functional, robust IT environment which meets customer and overall business requirements. To assist other team members where competent to do so, in the maintenance of the platform equipment. Identify and provide solutions/areas for continuous improvement in platform maintenance.

What you will do

  • Provide day – day interaction with Platform staff on all IT related matters.
  • Provide broad, 1st level support and troubleshooting across network, hardware and software in use on the Platform.
  • Provide Platform Process Controls Computer, Network and Software Support. This is for both Operations and Drilling.
  • Interact/coordinate with support staff for problem resolution, improvement opportunities, and change management.
  • Provide onsite support for computer environment, working with EMIT IT Services and local users on the Platform.
  • Coordinate and deliver on-going IT training as identified and required for local Platform users.
  • Monitor IT system(s) operation on the Platform for overall efficiency and early fault/deficiency detection.
  • Coordinate and conduct routine preventative maintenance checkups on Platform IT components.
  • Ensure appropriate backup/recovery of Platform IT and Process Control systems.
  • Coordinate Platform IT procurement and IT asset management for the Business.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the permit to work processes, and participation in safety initiatives.
  • Safe and efficient operations.
  • Maintain a high level of quality assurance for all tasks performed.
  • Respond quickly and effectively to breakdowns.
  • Compliance with Environmental, Safety and Quality Management System thus allowing for safe, efficient operations.

About you

Skills and Qualifications

  • Minimum of 5-10 years broad exposure in all facets of IT support (software, hardware, network, database, desktop).
  • Working knowledge of server and network administration.
  • Working knowledge of hardware and software installation and troubleshooting.
  • Working knowledge of hardware maintenance and repair.
  • Working knowledge of overall Platform IT systems and integration.
  • Systematic/methodical approach to analysis of new opportunities and problem solving.
  • Effective planning and project management skills.
  • Effective presentation, documentation and training ability for one – one or small group settings.
  • Intermediate-to-advanced knowledge of standard desktop productivity environment.
  • Effective communication skills (written and oral) to understand and react with diverse groups & operations.

Preferred Qualifications/ Experience

  • Ability to recognize and resolve conflict.
  • Effective communication skills, oral and written, with the ability to communicate through electronic medium.
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment which expects the highest level of service, morale, and ethical behavior.
  • Knowledge of quality processes and continuous improvement tools.
  • Skills and behaviors, which foster good report within the maintenance team.


Start date: June ,2024 


Location: St Johns, NL

Your benefits

  • A company committed to career growth – we recruit those who are interested in a career with ExxonMobil and prefer to develop and promote people from within.  Our career management process means that you will likely perform a number of unique, challenging roles during your career.
  • Commitment to safety, ethics & continuous improvement – these standards are the reason ExxonMobil is an industry leader. You will work for a company that upholds safety and ethics ideals and continues to seek out ways to improve.
  • Exceptional benefits program – includes competitive salary plus savings, pension, and health care plans that you can customize to meet your individual needs. Educational and physical fitness financial assistance programs round out our benefits package.
  • Competitive vacation package – provides you with at least three weeks of vacation (the first year is pro-rated based on your hiring date), one scheduled Friday off per month and 12 holidays.
  • Flexibility looks different for everyone, which is why we have many programs to help employees balance their work and personal life.  Programs include: Flex Your Day, childcare partnerships and part-time and job-sharing arrangements.
  • Successful networking and mentoring programs – enables you to spend time with managers from across the organization to learn about other departments and opportunities.  These programs also allow you to connect with peers at a similar experience level.
  • Opporunity to participate in Employee Led Resource Groups: Women’s Interest Network (WIN), Indigenous Network (IN), Black Employee Success Team (BEST), Asian Connection for Excellence (ACE), Global Organization for the Advancement of Latinos (GOAL),  PRIDE, and the Veterans Advocacy and Support Team (VAST).

Other Considerations

  • We thank all those who apply; however, only those candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.
  • For applicants selected to be interviewed, pre-employment background screening will be required.
  • In certain situations, Imperial may use your application to consider your suitability for other positions in the company and may also provide the information to its affiliates, including affiliates of ExxonMobil Corporation, in connection with possible opportunities at those affiliates.
  • In certain situations, ExxonMobil may use your application to consider your suitability for other positions in the company and may also provide the information to its affiliates, including affiliates of Imperial Oil, in connection with possible opportunities at those affiliates.
  • In accordance with the Canada-Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation Act, first consideration for employment will be given to qualified persons who meet the residency requirements of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador set out in the Elections Act, 1991, S.N.L. 1992 c. E-3.1.


Application Deadline: April 18, 2024

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ExxonMobil Canada is committed to providing equitable treatment and equal opportunity to all individuals.

In certain situations, ExxonMobil may use your application to consider your suitability for other positions within the Company and may also provide the information to its affiliates, including Imperial and affiliates of ExxonMobil Corporation, in connection with possible opportunities at those affiliates.  

ExxonMobil is committed to supporting persons with disabilities throughout the recruitment process. We will work with qualified applicants to provide reasonable accommodation upon request at


Eligibility to work in Canada

All applicants who receive an offer of employment must be eligible to work in Canada on a regular full-time basis without restrictions on their start date.  Proof of eligibility shall be in the form of a Canadian birth certificate, Canadian passport, Canadian citizenship certificate, Canadian certificate of permanent residence, Canadian open work permit or receipt from Immigration Canada of an application for a post-graduate work permit. 

Proof of eligibility must be current and valid (not expired, cancelled or voided). Proof of eligibility will be required if an offer of employment is made. Failure to provide proof of eligibility at least six (6) weeks prior to the start date may result in the offer of employment being rescinded.


Nothing herein is intended to override the corporate separateness of local entities. Working relationships discussed herein do not necessarily represent a reporting connection, but may reflect a functional guidance, stewardship, or service relationship. 


Exxon Mobil Corporation has numerous affiliates, many with names that include ExxonMobil, Exxon, Esso and Mobil. For convenience and simplicity, those terms and terms like corporation, company, our, we and its are sometimes used as abbreviated references to specific affiliates or affiliate groups. Abbreviated references describing global or regional operational organizations and global or regional business lines are also sometimes used for convenience and simplicity. Similarly, ExxonMobil has business relationships with thousands of customers, suppliers, governments, and others. For convenience and simplicity, words like venture, joint venture, partnership, co-venturer, and partner are used to indicate business relationships involving common activities and interests, and those words may not indicate precise legal relationships.


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